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Dead Skin Hand and Foot DIY dead skin Peel (Salicylic Acid 'aspirin' Foot Peel)

Working for years at a fast food restaurant required constant hand cleaning. That means spending the day using harsh soap and water on my hands. I am an avid runner as well, so my feet take a beating by the end of the month. When I looked online for a solution, I notice some individuals using the ‘Baby Foot’ peel and were getting excellent results, but it seems like it would be too mild to take away the amount of dead skin I wanted to peel. Now because I do love to DIY some things in my everyday life I thought I would find the natural way to do away with all that dead skin. The idea of using a strong chemical peel on them was not an option for me, so I looked into a more natural approach to peeling away all that dead skin. Making you very own mix would give me full control of what is in my peel along with room to adjust the mix just for my skin type.

For applying to your hand and feet, you will need about two tablespoons of aspirin powder or uncoated tablets to either crush or blend in your small blender to get it into powder form. You will then need isopropyl alcohol that is as strong as 99% alcohol (if it is too high for your skin you can get a lower concentrated form).

The amount you need will be just about: -2 tbsp. of aspirin powder( or uncoated tablets) -2 tbsp. of isopropyl alcohol

All products can be purchase at your local stores. Now let's start preparing our homemade natural peel! Step 1: Measure about two tablespoons worth of your aspirin powder in a glass bowl, now add two tablespoons of isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol). That is it! You have your mix and are ready to apply it to your hand or feet. Step 2: Now using a clean, dry brush (this can be an art brush or one you find in the kitchen section at your local supermarket) apply your peel to your feet and toes, or to your hands and fingers. Step 3: Now using a plastic storage bag cover your hand and feet then put on your socks or gloves over the plastic bag. Leave the mix on for at the least 2 hrs before you shower, If you have years of dead skin on your feet consider leaving the mix on for about 4 hours. Step 4: Now all that is left to do is to shower and make sure to scrub all the mix off before you get out the shower.

Your Dead Skin Peeling For One To Two Weeks: What To Expect After The Peel Mask

You may have a tingling feeling as the peel starts to work while you are wearing it with your socks, but it should not be anything uncomfortable. Please be advised if you begin to feel more than a mild discomfort or pain, rinse the mix off your feet as it may be too strong for your skin. The first thing to know is that you will feel your skin is dull, but that is normal considering the ingredients you just apply it after you dry off the water. About a week after the peel as been use the skin should start to crack and peel off. If you do not have a thick layer of dead skin, it may take about two weeks for the light dead skin to peel off little by little. The results may look gross, so you may have to cover your feet or hand during that time. By the end of the week or two, your dead skin should be completely peeled off leaving that smooth, beautiful skin that was hiding underneath. After that, you will get the satisfaction of looking at your new, baby soft skin to start applying oils and lotion to make it glow even more.

When you see the loose dead skin do not worry, at no point there will be a pain in peeling off the dead skin so just peel it off. You can repeat this process as little as a week after your dead skin as completely peel off if you have a dead skin to remove. ****WARNING: Now natural surfaces can be tricky when it comes to skincare so this is only what I did and the results I got, so always try to take care of your skin according to its need. If you have healthy skin on your feet and hand or even sensitive skin, I strongly suggest a patch test to avoid and irritation or damage to the skin. If you would like just to stay on the safe side, you may want to purchase a premade peel.


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