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Tea Hair Rinse To Strengthen Your Curls and Retain Length

I love drinking a cup of tea not just because it's good for you, but because it tastes great with honey!

Tea is not just good to drink, but it does wonders for your hair. Tea rinse has been used for thousands of years as a beauty remedy to treat the scalp and keep the hair healthy. Using a tea rinse helps to scalp issues, enhance your natural hair color, enables you to retain length and so much more.

Green Tea Benefits:

Green tea is an excellent tea rinse for your hair if you are suffering from dandruff and would like to stimulate hair growth. The caffeine in green tea goes and penetrates your hair follicles and encourage the growth of new hair. Green tea is packed with antioxidants and nutrients your body thrives on. It's a great way to treat hair loss and help your strands look healthier. Green tea rinse helps to nourish the scalp and protect it from fungus, bacteria growth and even sun damage. Black Tea Benefits:

Black tea is your go-to tea rinse to reduce excessive shedding. One of the significant problems I always had with my hair was how much hair I was shedding every wash day. I tried everything to stop the shedding; I found this black tea magic by accident. I would use black tea at first to help my dark hair keep its natural color, but notice it also stopped my excessive shedding. The caffeine in black tea helps to block the loss hormone Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Your hair strands will be able to grow stronger and longer. Black tea helps to thicken your hair and strengthen your hair overall.

Cedarwood essential oil is a great help to stimulate hair follicles by increasing blood circulation to the scalp. The stimulation can contribute to healthy hair growth and reduce hair loss. Cedarwood essential oil helps to treat thinning hair and alopecia.

Recipe: Add 6 cups of water in a pot and add six bags of tea (you can add just green tea, just black tea, or mix half and half). Boil on the stove for seven minutes and pour into a bowl you can take in the shower to cool down. Make sure the tea is completely cool to avoid causing any scalp irritation or burns. After the tea as cool down add four drops of cedarwood essential oil in the tea.

How to use: After you shampoo your hair and condition it pour your tea slowly over the hair for about 30 seconds to one minute. After you are done pouring the tea over your head and start massaging your scalp for about 30 seconds. Do not rinse out the tea in your hair, just use a towel to dry out the excess water. Now you can add your leave-in conditioner and other hair products.

Important note: Even if you don't do a tea rinse on every wash day routine it is a good idea to indulge at least every two weeks. It will benefit your hair and keep it beautiful and add shine to your curls.

Using a tea rinse on my hair has not only reduce my excessive shedding but improve my growth. It helps my hair with the frizz; my products are working twice as well as they used to. With so many different teas to choose from, find out what your hair needs and brew a little rinse yourself to see how much of a difference it makes in your hair care routine. important tip: make sure to always check for allergies and any reaction to any teas you are using.


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