Protein comes with tremendous value to your body; it is a critical component of every cell in the body. That beautiful hair and nails your body shows off every day are made up from protein. Tissue repair in the body requires protein; it also use the protein to make enzymes, hormones, and many other chemicals your body needs. Building healthy bones, cartilage, strong muscles, and great skin, and blood all falls back on protein, it is the building blocks in your body. Protein is a "macronutrient", this means your body require a significant amount to properly function. Other "macronutrients" the body needs are carbohydrates and fat. Other vitamins and minerals your body needs are "micronutrients", only a small amount is required on a daily basis to function. Your body does store fats, and carbohydrates once consume, but protein does not store so you need to get the proper amount every day. If you do not eat enough protein, and your body is reaching out for more, it will not have a stored reservoir to draw the protein it needs. Make sure you do not go all day long eating protein and only consume the proper amount your body needs with a whole food source and supplements.
How Much Protein Do You Need?
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, eating extra protein will not equal in extra muscles. The only way to build those extra muscles is to get to the gym and exercise, or exercise at home. Eating about two servings of protein that equal about two ounces a day works for most individuals. Depending on your age, size, or activity levels add or subtract to equal the amount your body needs.
Choose Proteins That Works for Your Body Wisely
If you are looking to rebuild your body, lose weight, gain weight, or just a moderately healthy lifestyle, your protein choice is important. Do your best to stay away from packaged meat like sausages, deli meats, or even regular hotdogs. They are not only linked to increasing type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even colorectal cancer, they can also keep you from losing weight.
Look for protein in Some Whole Foods Like:
• Fish: they offer your body some heart-healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, they even carry a few facts, unlike meat. • Poultry: chicken breast are a lean meat, take off the skin will help eliminate most of the saturated fat before cooking it.
• Beans: Beans are an excellent source of protein, they contain more protein than any other vegetable protein you can eat. They can keep you full for hours because they are also loaded with fiber. • Nuts: Almonds comes with a good amount of protein, only one ounce of almonds will provide 6 grams of protein, so find good, healthy nuts to snack. • Whole grains: With one slice of whole grain bread contains about 3 grams of protein, the grains feed your body fiber to help you fill your stomach. Protein is essential for your body, and you should be eating the right amount of protein on a daily basis. If you want to stay healthy and strong feeding your body what it needs is key. You have multiple sources of to receive your daily dose so make good decisions on healthy, whole foods.